Keshia Knight Pulliam started her career as a young star in the comedy sitcom The Cosby Show as Rudy Huxtable, the youngest daughter in the Huxtable family. Later on, the actress landed Miranda Lucas-Payne’s role for Tyler Perry’s House of Payne, a TBS comedy-drama that showcased Pulliam’s acting chops as an actress. Pulliam would then go on to accept movie and TV roles for her distinct acting style.

Now 41 years old, Pulliam focuses on maintaining a healthy body while being active in show business. She loves to flaunt her fitness regimen to her social media followers, igniting inspiration for a healthier body. She gives credit to her balanced diet and active lifestyle in attaining her strong physique. Most of the time, she slips a yoga session into her hectic schedule and goes to the gym regularly. Pulliam is also in a happy relationship with actor Brad James after a bitter separation from her former husband.
