This loss certainly quite a blow to all Trekkies around the globe. He might be best known for his role as Spock in the Star Trek franchise, but the actor’s talent goes well beyond the character he made famous. Aside from acting, Leonard Simon Nimoy is also a recognized photographer, a private pilot, an author, a voice actor, and a singer. He officially retired as Spock back in April 2010 but his legacy continues.

He passed on February 27, 2015, at 73 years old. In the same year, an asteroid was named after the beloved actor, the 4864 Nimoy. November 14, is also known as “Leonard Nimoy Day” for Bostonians. In addition to his recognitions, Nimoy’s children produce documentaries that feature his life, career, and passing. They also created an online tribute mosaic of selfies with Spock’s Vulcan salute made by Nimoy’s fans to express the degree of their admiration for the actor.
