Marcia Karen Wallace was a beloved actress, voice artist, and comedian who is best remembered for her performance as Carol Kester in the 70’s sitcom, The Bob Newhart Show. She’s also a consistent guest on The Mery Griffin Shows and appears on several shows like Laugh Clown Laugh, The Brady Bunch, That’s My Bush! and more. But for fans of the animated series, The Simpsons, they might be surprised to learn that she provided the voice for Mrs. Krabappel, Bart’s teacher.

Credit to this role and her delivery of the character helped the actress win an Emmy award. Sadly, she passed away on October 25, 2013, at the age of 70. Marcia had other personal struggles but was receiving counseling for them. As a tribute to her, Lego created miniature characters of The Simpson including hers. Fans, family, and friends who are missing Marcia should have bought these pieces so that they could always remember her.
