Retired professional wrestler and reality television star Hulk Hogan, who is widely regarded as one of the original wrestlers that helped catapult entertainment wrestling to the mainstream in the ‘80s, reportedly dropped $1.6 million for this beach home in Florida. The legendary wrestler hasn’t been getting media attention lately as he is supposedly retired from the entertainment industry. Interestingly, Hogan and his wife bought the place after winning the $140-million lawsuit they filed against the gossip website Gawker.

The legal case continued for quite a while before finally meeting a conclusion, which the couple desperately wanted to happen. The 2,000-square-foot home boasts unadulterated views of Florida beach that anyone from the area if asked will say “priceless”. It also happens to be adjacent to another luxurious investment property that Hogan and his wife own, which they’ve purchased in 2014 and have yet to confirm if they plan on selling it in the future.
